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Vesiraja yoga endows its native with utmost good fortune and prosperity. Its natives are able to make an impact on the world and leave their mark behind. One such person is Sachin Tendulkar, the great Indian cricketer. This yoga is formed when a planet excluding Rahu and Ketu forms from the 2nd house of the sun.
The Vesi raja yoga is caused when Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in kendras or triconals with Sun. These three planets are associated with prosperity, wealth and status. They are also connected to the goddess of learning, Saraswati. The Vesi raja yoga also denotes good fortune in social life.
Vesi yoga is formed when the planets in the second house from Sun are beneficial, except for Moon. Its natives are able to succeed with hard work and build strong contacts. They are also able to earn and manage large amounts of money. This yog also creates the Dhana yoga, which blesses its natives with wealth and luxury. This is one of the most powerful Raja Yogas in astrology. It is known to bring about a lot of happiness in life.