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Turned Anime has become the perfect destination for anime fans around the world. They can get the artwork of their favorite anime characters created in a matter of two to eight days!
They also make anime holiday gifts for friends and family. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your holiday shopping now!
If you’ve ever played a video game, you’ll likely recognize some of the characters featured on turnedanime.com, a collection of Japanese animated TV shows and movies featuring a mix of hand-drawn and computer animation. Many anime are based on video games, especially visual novels and JRPGs. Some of the most popular anime include Pokémon, Dragonball Z, and Seraph of the Soul. These cartoons have become very popular with young fans and are sure to be a hit for anyone who enjoys watching animated films or television series.
The artists of Turned Anime, Thomas Romain and his sons, also work with video games in their creative process. The result is some very unusual anime artwork. Thomas and his sons take the characters in their video game drawings and turn them into all sorts of strange characters, from a steampunk doctor to snake fighters to cloud dwellers and even sand golems!
Turned Anime works with some of the best artists in the industry to create amazing anime artwork. They can make you into any anime character that you want, including characters from your favorite series like Attack on Titan or Dragon Ball Z. The best part is you don’t have to worry about what time it takes to finish your artwork! You can order your art work to be ready in a matter of days! You can also get it made into something for the holidays, so you can surprise your favorite anime fan with a unique Christmas gift.
To get to Turned Anime, you can take the bus, train or ferry. Moovit helps you find the best way to get there with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.
"Highly Recommend!"
Got my brother a design made of us both for Christmas and he loved it!