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With a Portal at your disposal it is easy to visit planets and harvest resources from them. For certain items (Thamium9) you might have to visit multiple star systems, but with a little up front portal set-up work and some planning you can have an easy access to resource farms.
Traveler Planets is a limited-time event in the Across the Galaxy of Dreams update (v4.2). This event features missions that can be completed for rewards. Players can earn Comet Candy, which is used to unlock the Starlight Gacha. Missions are grouped into Planets, and completing all the missions in a Planet will unlock a greater one-time reward. Traveler Planets is located at Sat Mosjid Super Market, Plot #Ga, Block #D, Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. They can be reached by phone at 0171-853-9969.
Using a Portal it is possible to visit planets in a star system and harvest multiple types of resources. This is especially useful for those that want a quick way to obtain the rarer items like Thamium9 or coprite. It is also useful for farming higher craft item support items (Circuit Boards, Living Glass, Liquid Explosives). With a little up front portal set-up work you can have your own atmosphere harvesters in a matter of minutes.
The Across the Galaxy of Dreams event is an ongoing series of Planet missions that unlock special rewards. Completing all missions of a Planet will complete that Planet, which grants an even greater one-time reward!
Experience the red beauty of Mars on a tour through its volcanoes, canyons and deserts. Discover the mysterious worlds of Jupiter, where better telescopes are revealing its exotic moons. Head into the ice zone of Uranus and Neptune, where their orbits take nearly 84 years to complete.
The closest exoplanets to Earth are too far away for us to visit, but we worked with scientists and futurists to imagine what these destinations might look like.
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