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Tramadol is a weak opioid drug that binds to the same opioid receptors in the brain as stronger opioids. However, it has a high risk of misuse and addiction.
Tramadol can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, which may result in death. It also has a higher likelihood of causing seizures than other opioids. It is important to know the risks of overdose and how to treat them.
Tramadol is a medication that works on opioid receptors in the brain and reduces feelings of pain. It is used to treat moderate to severe pain and should only be used when other forms of pain relief haven't worked well or aren't tolerated.
This medicine can be habit-forming and may cause withdrawal symptoms if taken in larger doses or for longer periods of time than recommended. Talk with your doctor about how to avoid tramadol addiction.
You should also not use this drug if you have asthma, a breathing disorder, or obstructive sleep apnea (condition in which the airway becomes blocked or narrow and breathing stops for short periods during sleep). It can slow your breathing and cause shallow breathing.
It can also slow your heart rate and increase your blood pressure. These effects can be dangerous or life-threatening.
Taking tramadol in an unsafe way can lead to overdose and death. It is a controlled substance and you should not take more than the prescribed amount or in any way that isn't directed by your doctor.
Tramadol works in the brain to change how you feel and respond to pain. It's in a class of medications called opioid (narcotic) analgesics.
When you take tramadol, it starts to work within 30 to 60 minutes and peaks in your blood plasma about an hour and a half after it's taken. It's then taken every 4-6 hours as needed for pain relief.
Your doctor will choose a dose for you, depending on how sensitive you are to pain and what you've done before with other pain relievers. You'll usually start at a lower dose and gradually increase it until you get the best results.
Taking too much tramadol can be dangerous, and overdose is a serious health problem. To prevent overdose, make sure you follow your doctor's instructions carefully and space your doses evenly each day.
Tramadol is part of a group of medicines called opioids, which are used to treat pain that isn't relieved by non-opioid medications (such as over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
It is a controlled substance, and can cause dependence and misuse. However, tramadol is considered one of the "weaker" opioids, so it is less likely to cause these problems than other opioids, such as hydrocodone (a Schedule 2 drug).
Your doctor will prescribe a dosage of tramadol that is right for you and your condition. The dosage will depend on your age and weight.
You may also need to take other painkillers along with tramadol, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These will help to reduce how much tramadol you need and can reduce any side effects.
Your doctor should tell you about any medicines, vitamins, or herbs you're taking before you start to take tramadol. These can change the way this drug works and can be harmful or prevent it from working properly.
If you take tramadol, you should follow the directions on your medicine pack or the instructions that your doctor gives you. Your doctor will tell you how much to take and how often.
To get the best results, it's important to take this medication at the right time. Try to space your doses evenly and never take more than the prescribed amount.
Your doctor may also ask you to use non-opioid pain relievers (such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or diclofenac) to reduce the amount of tramadol you need to take.
You should not drink alcohol while you're taking this medicine as it can make you more sleepy or drowsy and may increase your risk of overdose. This is especially true if you take tramadol with other opioid medicines.
Taking too much tramadol can lead to serious side effects such as slow breathing and death. If you think you've taken too much tramadol, call your doctor or go to an emergency department immediately.