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"Same company Alpilean - horrible"
Do not order this product is just OTC supplements that can be found at any pharmacy but ridiculously over priced! They say no auto billing, one time charge that is a total lie. Money back guarantee is questionable as they'll put you thru the ringer, haggle you for discounts, and make you think it's for your convenience! I ordered a 6 month supply which is 1 bottle a month to give it a try. I received 15 bottles in total with 2 charges on my account totaling almost $600! When I received the extra bottles I immediately sent an email thinking it may just mistakenly been sent, this is where the run around begin. I told them I didn't want nor did i order the extra amount and didn't agree to the charges. I got haggled for the extra charges they put on my card that they would give me a good discount by refunding me a small amount so they could save me the hassle of having to ship the extra bottles they charged and sent to me back. During this back and forth I was bounced around to "new reps" every time I sent an email. My email was even blocked from them. Several days of this ongoing nightmare and I was done. I sent the entire package back costing me $12 out of my own pocket for their stupidity.