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Vueling Airlines is a Spanish budget airline based in Barcelona, Spain. It flies to over 160 destinations worldwide.
The airline focuses on the customer experience and is constantly looking for ways to improve it, which is reflected in their slogan of “love the way you fly”. They operate from major airports including Barcelona El Prat Airport and Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport, in Rome.
Each Vueling flight offers a range of extras and services to make travelling with them as smooth as possible. Some of these include online check-in, travel insurance and more.
All passengers are able to check in online before they board a Vueling flight. This saves time in the airport and avoids the chance of a fine if you’re late for your flight. Depending on your ticket type, you can also choose to check in at different times. Passengers with Optima or Excellence tickets are able to check in at the same time as booking and those who pay to select their seat when they book can check in up to 7 days before their flight’s departure date.
Airports are the areas of land where planes can take off and land. They can be used for commercial aircraft and for general aviation, including private pilots and helicopters. They usually have air traffic control facilities and passenger services, such as restaurants and lounges. They also have other facilities such as hangars and helipads.
An airport operates a complex system of air transport, including air navigation and air traffic control, passenger services, aircraft support and maintenance and emergency services. They have a wide range of computer systems, mainly designed for staff management, to keep them informed on ongoing processes and to assist them in making important business decisions. These include the airport operating data base (AODB). The information it contains includes flight movements, timetables and routes, multi-stop flights and operation days of the week.
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