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Divvy has hundreds of stations scattered about Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens - and that's not counting the thousands more in the surrounding suburbs. The company boasts a fleet of over 750 bikes in the metroplex and about 150 roving ersatz bikes in surrounding boroughs. The best part is you can leave the city and come home to the suburbs - a win-win in my book! The company is also a major tech juggernaut when it comes to customer service and product innovations.
Maps are a tool which can be used to promote cycling as a transport mode, enabling residents and visitors to identify key bicycle routes, facilities/services and how to navigate between them. They can be printed/viewed on paper or digitally via an app.
The primary aim of cycle maps is to enable people to find their way around a city while on a bicycle according to their preferences. They may also be used to indicate safe routes, or alternative routes that are safer to use for cyclists.
In order to support this, map design should be attractive and clear, with information clearly aimed at residents/visitors to the city. In addition, maps should not be overcrowded with too much information, to avoid confusing potential users.
For example, the City of Bolzano (Italy) has applied a metro line-type scheme to its cycling map and signage (see Rad-Metro Bozen case study, in signage and wayfinding). This approach is complemented by city-specific branding which helps to raise awareness of bicycles as a transport mode within the city.