About Shapemyhouse.com
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Shape is the basic element of two-dimensional art and an essential part of the language used to communicate a visual experience. The shapes in your image can be used to emphasize or hide elements, create rhythm and movement, or to represent a specific idea or concept.
Shapes can also be used to create a variety of other effects, such as shadows and highlights. Shapes can even be used to add texture and depth to an object.
When you drag a new shape onto an existing shape layer, the new shape gets the fill and stroke that were set for the original in the Options Bar. If you want to change those settings, select the shape layer and choose Edit Shape Attributes from the panel menu.
To draw a shape, click on the canvas to set a starting point and then drag. You can also drag any of the four transform handles to resize or rotate the shape. Hold the Shift key as you drag a handle to maintain the shape’s aspect ratio.