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In order to create a business membership, you need a company e-mail account. You can create a business registration with the confirmation code sent to your company e-mail account.
Only approved company accounts can reply to comments, you can do this from the management panel with your company account. Users cannot reply to comments made on company comments.
A good way to sell your Free Fire account is to use SellFex. It is a new website focused on selling Free Fire accounts. The site offers numerous features that can be very beneficial to you as a vendedor. Here are some of them: You can sell items, join a merged market, and manage your account.
The site also features an advanced email notification system. This feature can be helpful for both sellers and buyers. It helps you get alerts when a new offer comes through. It also allows you to keep track of the latest offers, which can be useful for both buyers and sellers. You can subscribe to SellFex to keep updated on what's happening with your accounts. You can even sign up for an invite-only mode.
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