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Whether you are planning your first family reunion or your 50th, it’s important to plan a memorable event. And unless your reunion is in the same place each year, selecting a location may not be as easy as it sounds.
Luckily, reunionsmag.com offers tips and ideas to help you make decisions, plan budgeting, send out communications and more.
One of the many challenges facing a successful family or class reunion is location scouting and selecting the ideal venue. Reunions magnates (we'll call it the site) has a robust suite of tools and resources to help you navigate the planning maze. For instance, our most popular product is the reunion planner software program (or a more formal name) which boasts several features and functions that make planning a breeze. The site also features the best-in-class customer service, free trial accounts, and a user community that stretches from coast to coast! The most valuable resource is a centralized support team, backed by a robust support matrix that provides a level of granularity that most other products and services cannot match. Reunions magnates is your best bet for a high-quality, cost-effective product that you can count on to meet your every need.
With people scattering, it becomes more important to have reunions, but not each year. And maybe you should plan some special celebrations to entice those who have moved away to come back for a visit.
* Select a reunion date to draw as many family members as possible and give them time to save for the trip and expenses. Consider dates that fall near holidays such as Thanksgiving or Fourth of July weekends.
** For a cost-effective and fun way to engage your guests, a potluck menu can be organized by category (appetizers, main courses, sides and desserts). Committees should divide up the work load and encourage guests to bring their favorite family recipes.
To help ease the financial burden of travel for distant family members, do auctions or raffles at your reunion to offset some of the expense. Keepsakes such as shirts, ball caps personalized with the family name and mugs, tote bags, key chains and paperweights are popular fundraisers at family reunions.
Whether you’re planning a family, class, or military reunion, it’s important to plan activities to keep everyone entertained and to create lasting memories. These fun games will help you achieve just that!
One of the best ways to do that is through a photo puzzle. Simply affix sticky-note tabs to photos of a particular location or person and distribute them randomly among several large tables.
Then, each player looks at the picture and guesses the location or name of the person. The first team to complete the puzzle wins.
Besides keeping people entertained, a good game also provides an opportunity for lighthearted chatting. It’s especially useful at an event that might otherwise last longer than planned, such as a reunion that includes children. These games are easy to plan and can work for a wide variety of age groups and settings. And if you can find inexpensive prizes, your winners will be grateful! So get out your creative juices, and put on a few of these games.
Reunions mag is a resource for class, military and other types of reunions. Its content covers everything from how to plan a big class reunion (with a budget) to the best place to hold one.
The site is also a treasure trove of fun and games. For example, the site boasts a game that lets users create their own interactive family tree with a few clicks of a button. This is a good way to get everyone involved in the planning process and to give attendees a sense of ownership before the event begins.
The site also offers a number of other features that can be used by reunion organizers and participants to make reunions more fun, interesting and affordable. For example, the site boasts countless free templates for creating reunion banners, a calendar of events and even a handy class reunion cheat sheet. Lastly, the site is a great way to socialize with others in your area and find new friends.