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Founded in 2013, Rananjay Exports is a wholesale jewelry manufacturing giant in Jaipur. Its vision is to impact the retail jewelry business most beautifully.
The company specializes in producing and selling gemstone sterling silver jewelry. It is a reliable and trustworthy supplier that offers high-quality products, skilled craftsmanship, and ethical practices.
Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family and a beautiful blue stone. It is found mainly in Brazil, but it can also be found in Madagascar (where it has a green hue), Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, and Mozambique.
It is often considered a healing stone as it has calming energies and can help to reduce stress. It is also a soothing stone for those who suffer from migraines, insomnia or headaches.
It can be used in meditation to help you connect with the energy of water. It can also be used as a shield against negative energies. It can also help you to meditate more deeply and achieve a state of heightened awareness.
Opal is a precious silica mineral with vibrant spectral colors that flash in the light. The colorful displays occur when light interacts with tiny spheres within the crystal and they behave like a diffraction grating.
Opals come in a variety of colors from green to black and can even be pink. The stone is found throughout the world but Australia was the first country to produce high-quality opal gemstones.
The gems can be cut into cabochons or faceted stones. It is also a good choice for earrings as it can be easily cut into dangle styles.
Agate is a durable gemstone that can be used for jewellery and home decor. It comes in a variety of colors and banding patterns, ranging from earthy browns to vibrant pinks and blues.
Agate has a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7, which makes it comparable to steel. It also has purported healing properties, including physical strength and emotional balance.
It can be a helpful stone for people who tend to daydream too much, as it promotes realistic thinking and helps people to concentrate on workable solutions when they feel fuzziness or disorientation.
The stabilizing qualities of agate can help to keep a person grounded in their life, especially when they are travelling. It can also help to protect a person from harmful energies.
Jade is one of the most popular gem stones. It has been used for many different purposes throughout history.
It is also known for its soft, luminous colors and soothing energy. It has been used to attract abundance and luck in different cultures.
As a metamorphic rock, it is found in alluvial deposits throughout the world. It can be carved into jewelry, ornaments, and small sculptures.
Nephrite and jadeite are the two major types of jade stone. They both take a high polish and are typically green in color.
Jadeite is harder than nephrite and has a higher surface lustre. This lustre is often caused by the dimpling, or orange peel, effect, of the individual interlocking grains.
Turquoise is a semi-precious stone that comes in a variety of shades of greenish-blue. It is made up of hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminum.
It is mined in several locations, including Afghanistan, China, Egypt, France, Mexico, and the United States. It has been used as a healing gemstone for centuries, and is believed to bring positive energy into our lives.
When shopping for turquoise, be on the lookout for items that are stabilized to increase their hardness and color. This is a process that involves applying clear epoxy or plastic to the stone.
Reconstituted turquoise is a more affordable alternative to natural turquoise and is often labeled “block” turquoise. It is actually made up of pieces that were ground up during the cutting process, and may not contain any natural stone at all.