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PrimeXBT is a crypto trading platform that has narrowed the gap between traditional and cryptocurrency markets. It allows traders from around the world to speculate on various markets including cryptocurrencies, Forex, commodities and stock market indexes with earnings implemented by Bitcoin (BTC).
It also provides a visual, nice and professional trading platform that offers free deposit fees, competitive trading fees and traditional assets for leveraged trading.
PrimeXBT offers a trading platform which allows users to trade global markets including crypto, commodities, indices and forex. The site offers advanced trading tools, low fees and instant order execution. The trading platform is available in multiple languages and supports iOS and Android operating systems.
Prime XBT’s trading platform is ideal for beginners and professionals alike. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate, while its fast and enthusiastic support team make it even easier to learn the ropes.
The trading platform at PrimeXBT offers more than 50 aggregate contracts including cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and other traditional assets such as gold, oil, s&p 500 and more. It also offers the ability to trade perpetual contracts with up to 100x leverage, along with industry-leading security and a 100% verified customer base. The platform also features a nice charting interface, free deposit fee and competitive trading fees. It’s definitely one of the finest platforms for crypto trading with Bitcoin.
"Very terrible platform."
Very terrible.. Couldn't withdraw for almost 3 months. Their Support team is useless and kept giving me excuses. If not for aramezglobal.com that intervened and helped me recoup my funds from them, I would have lost everything.