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5 Natural Herbs That Help Pets Deal With Anxiety

Pets are very sensitive creatures. They can get anxious, worried or afraid of just about anything. But if we understand that their perception of the world is not necessarily reality, we can help them overcome these feelings. Fortunately, there are several natural herbs that can help you and your pet deal with anxiety.

It has anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties of pethapy are many and varied. It has been used in a wide range of ailments from cold and cough to arthritis, osteoporosis, adnexitis and eczema. Specifically, it has been used in the treatment of degenerative conditions of the musculoskeletal system such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is also known to have analgesic, antipyretic and antioxidant properties. Moreover, it has been shown to be an effective pain medication for a number of ailments such as toothache, joint pain, sprains and strains. It also helps in preventing urinary tract infections and bladder spasms. It is an excellent natural alternative to over the counter medications like ibuprofen and naproxen.

It helps in reducing acidity and heartburn

When the stomach secretes too much acid, it causes a variety of discomforts including heartburn and gas. People suffering from this condition can find a number of home remedies to reduce their problem.

In case you suffer from frequent heartburn, a visit to your doctor may be recommended. It is called gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and can be a significant health hazard.

It can cause damage to the lower esophagus, which does not have a protective lining and is susceptible to inflammation when the acid is able to escape into this area. This damage can eventually lead to esophagitis and even oesophageal cancer. Historically, patients have been treated for their heartburn and GERD with over-the-counter antacids or prescription acid reducers. However, these drugs can be very damaging to your health if you use them for long periods of time. Instead of these medications, it is best to try natural remedies for reducing the symptoms and treating the root cause of your problem.

It strengthens the immune system

Boosting your immune system is a top priority for any health buff. Keeping the immune system healthy and functional can be done with simple things like good sleep, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle practices that can have an impact on your overall wellbeing.

A well-rounded multivitamin is the best way to go for your immune system. It is also important to consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals that will help keep your immune system in tip-top shape. The vitamin C is a must have, as it is an essential cofactor in the production of cellular antioxidants that are crucial to fending off bacteria and viruses.

The best part is that you don't have to feel guilty about doing so. It will be a win-win for you, your loved ones and your pets! You can even save money while you're at it! So what are you waiting for?

It helps in removing free radicals

A free radical is any molecule that has lost an electron and needs to pair up with another atom to form a stable molecule. These molecules are very reactive and can cause cellular damage by causing oxidative stress and a cascade of self-propagating reactions.

The body produces a large amount of these molecules during regular metabolic processes and due to stressors such as air pollution, ingestion of food with pesticide residues or chemical additives, over-eating, heavy exercise and smoking. Antioxidants can help to intercept and remove these radicals before they cause oxidative stress and damage the cell.

The onset of a free radical is caused by an oxidative reaction with oxygen, which can occur spontaneously or in response to a specific cellular stimulus, like a certain enzyme or stress. Free radicals can then propagate molecular damage in several ways, including directly destroying the underlying nucleic acid base or lipid. The termination of a free radical can be achieved by nutrient antioxidants, enzymatic mechanisms or the re-association with a less reactive species.

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