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We are a team of expert writers specializing in book writing. Our writers complete a wide range of books, from promotional giveaway eBooks to 200 page manuscripts.
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BookBaby is an independent self-publishing company that has been in business since 2011. They offer services to help authors publish and distribute their books worldwide.
They have two different distribution networks: Print On Demand and eBook. The latter allows you to publish and sell your printed book through the largest eBook stores online, including Kindle and iPad.
Their POD service also allows you to sell your printed book on a wide range of hardcover book formats, something not available through other print-on-demand programs. They have a simple and intuitive setup process that requires less time investment than other POD services.
They also offer book marketing services, including Amazon and Facebook advertising. You can enter your budget and length of time for the campaign to get a quote.
Sarah Book Publishing is a full-service book publisher that works with authors around the globe. Sarah Book Publishing assigns each author a personal book manager who will work with them through the book publishing process.
Amazon’s Editorial Director for Books, Sarah Gelman, is launching “Sarah Selects,” a new book club that features recently published books she loves and wants to share with customers. As the first book club selection, Gelman chose Half-Blown Rose by Leesa Cross-Smith.
As an editorial director, Gelman reads thousands of books every year to help readers discover their next great read through her personal recommendations. She and her team love to recommend a diverse mix of genres, from fiction to romance, mystery/thriller/suspense to biography, memoir, and pop science.
TCK Publishing is an international publishing company that produces print books, e-books, and audiobooks. The company publishes fiction and nonfiction in all major genres and niches.
Tck offers a variety of services to authors, including marketing. Their marketing packages include book promotion, market research, and competitive analysis. They also offer training to help authors develop and implement their marketing strategies.
They also offer a Reader's Choice book awards contest that lets readers vote for their favorite books in sixteen categories. These include Advice, Business and Investing, Self-Help, Health, General Nonfiction, Memoir, Romance, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Children's Book, YA and Middle Grade, General Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, and Religion.
Unlike many vanity publishers, TCK Publishing doesn't charge authors to publish their books. Instead, they offer a range of services to authors for 50% of their royalties. These include editing, title and cover design, and formatting.