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19.8 Questionable. Controversial. Flagged.The rank is based on a 1-100 scale, with 100 being the most reputable.
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A date called ‘Twosday’ is a special occasion, as the number 2 repeats itself so many times on the day. It is also a palindrome, meaning it can be read backwards and forwards.
This 2/22/22 date is even more special because it falls on a Tuesday, which has not occurred for 400 years. It is the most exceptional palindrome date in over a decade, according to Dr Aziz Inan, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Portland.
People are ecstatic about this 'Twosday'. They are remarking that it is a very unique occurrence and despite the fact that it does not have any historical significance or a cosmic message, it speaks volumes about our brains and cultures. They are celebrating it by wearing 'Twosday' t-shirts, stickers, wall art and more. The designs are all created by independent artists who use socially responsible business practices. When you purchase any of the 'Happy Twosday' products on this page, it helps them continue their work and allows them to keep creating new designs.
"Scam, con artists"
Company steals artwork from other designers. If you ‘purchase’ the art from this company, the real owner of the art will be in touch with you to proceed with legal action.