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There are many barriers to access when it comes to nature spaces. For many people, such as women, people with a disability or those who are ethnic minorities, these barriers limit their ability to connect to Nature and benefit from its benefits. Here are some solutions to help you overcome these obstacles and make your Nature Space more accessible.
The Hummingbird Window Feeder brings hummingbirds right to your windowsill, giving you an up-close view of them as they drink. It attaches to your window with suction cups, and the reservoir holds up to 8 ounces of nectar.
The feeder also has three life-like hollyhock-inspired feeding ports and removable perches. This enables multiple hummers to drink nectar at the same time, and the base is water-tight.
This clear acrylic feeder brings birds right to your window, without obstructing your view. It features strong suction cups that attach to your window securely, and it's easy to clean.
Fill it with mixed seed blends, sunflower seeds, nyjer, safflower or peanuts to attract birds. Safflower is a favorite of cardinals, and chickadees, finches, doves and grosbeaks enjoy it too.
Window feeders offer an up-close and personal look at your feather friends. These feeders attach to windows with strong suction cups and allow you to watch the birds as they eat.
To attract woodpeckers, consider offering a suet bird feeder. This provides a dry or slightly moist suet cake that they love to eat.
Getting up close and personal with your feathered friends is an experience many birders enjoy. The best way to do this is with a well designed and marketed window bird feeder. The best of these can offer an all-around view of your prized feathered friends and the most important thing is that they aren't scaring away your neighbors!
Here are the top 10 window bird feeders of the year.
Window bird feeders are one of the best ways to attract birds to your yard. They are easily accessible, and offer an amazing view of the birds frolicking in front of you.
It’s important to consider the mounting method, size and type of clear panels to achieve the best possible view. For example, products with two-way glass/plastic/acrylic panels are ideal for maximum clarity.
If you want to attract cardinals to your garden, it’s important to get a feeder that has a tray area for them to perch on and peck.
The window feeders for birds from Nature Anywhere are made to offer this kind of space and comfort. They have a sliding tray that can be filled with the sunflower seeds that cardinals enjoy.
This feeder attaches to any window with heavy-duty suction cups that keep it securely in place. It's made of thick clear plastic, giving you an unobstructed view of feeding birds.
It has a sliding feed tray for refilling without having to remove it from the window. It also has two drainage holes to let rain escape.
A window feeder is a great way to attract birds to your garden. It also makes it easier for family, friends and guests to enjoy bird watching up close without disrupting the birds' eating time.
This feeder has strong suction cups to keep it attached securely to your window. It doesn't come off easily even when squirrels jump on it.
The Oriole Window Feeder from nature-anywhere is an impressive looking bird feeder that will certainly woo your feathered friends. The unit has an ominous black and red base topped off by a slick sliding feed tray that can hold two different types of birdseed to attract a variety of feathered friends.
The best part is that the unit can be used in any location with no fuss, thanks to its nifty suction cups.
Purple Martins are one of the most popular birds to have near your home. They are North America's largest swallow and they eat primarily insects, including beetles, moths, dragonflies, butterflies and wasps.
They are also natural predators of mosquitoes. So if you are worried about having too many mosquitoes in your yard, consider the Purple Martin Window Feeder!