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Buying a Munchkin kitten is a great way to add a new furry friend to your home. If you are considering getting a Munchkin, then you should be aware of how to avoid a scam when purchasing one from a website like munchkinkittenstore.com.
Several reputable animal welfare organizations have weighed in on the underage kitten market. Thankfully, most of the unscrupulous vendors are foreign to the USA. If you are looking to adopt a feline, consider doing business with a reputable animal welfare organization or perhaps a local shelter.
While you are searching the internet for the best deal on a new furry friend, be sure to avoid using prepaid debit cards or cryptocurrencies as these are tricky to get your money back on. The main reason for this is that fraudsters can use your card information for identity theft. The worst part about these scams is that you won't even know they're there until the bill arrives in the mail.
In addition to being a nuisance, purchasing an underage kitten can put you at risk for a multitude of diseases. Fortunately, the federal government has stepped in to prevent this from happening by requiring breeders to register their animals, which is the cheapest way to ensure you'll be able to keep your kitten in a pawed home. You'll also be able to get your pet's shots before you commit to the purchase.
While the sexiest cat of all time may have been a little too pricey for your bloodstream, a well-trained cat will make you smile and give you years of entertainment.
Buying Munchkin kittens on the Internet is not a risk free venture. If you do not check out the breeder properly, you may end up losing money.
A good way to avoid getting swindled is to have a video call with the breeder. Ask them to show you their facilities and give you a date for the animal's birth. Also, ensure that they speak English. If they cannot, you should not consider the deal.
The price of the kitten can also be an important factor. Some scammers will offer huge discounts on the kitten. They will also claim to have a "rescue fee" and tell you to send the money via a cash payment system. However, you should never send the money if you do not see the pet in person.
In addition, you should make sure the advert is well presented. It should have plenty of pictures and good grammar. It should also have an official looking document, like a Social Security number.
A lot of scammers use fake websites. They make it look like a legitimate business. Some even have multiple websites. If you suspect a scam, go to the website and do a search to see if the business has warning signs.
Another method to avoid getting swindled is to check out the breeder's health screenings. Some of the best breeders offer health screenings before the kitten is delivered. They also have videos of the cat. You can also visit them in person.