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Exam preparation materials help test takers understand what to expect on the day of the test. These resources familiarize test-takers with the structure of each exam, provide sample test items and responses and identify the content that is tested. They can be used to develop a study outline.
Online ACT prep resources include the website Magoosh, which offers free ACT practice questions and answers with explanations. The website also offers short ACT pop quizzes that can be easily fit into a busy schedule.
NCARB does not endorse any particular exam prep materials, but a good place to start is by searching for the name of the test you are taking along with "examinations" or "study guides" in your library catalog. You can also look at the exam program's homepage to see if it has prep materials specific to that exam. For example, ARE 5.0 candidates can find study materials at the Architect Examination Preparation (ARE) website.
When students think of test prep, they often associate it with monotonous bubble sheets and endless worksheets. But, there are many meaningful ways to use cumulative review to help students build confidence and skills prior to taking a big test without taking away valuable classroom instruction time.
Remind students that the most important thing is to try their hardest. And, that whether they pass or fail doesn't determine their intelligence or self worth. This is especially important for younger students who may feel that a "bad" test score means something negative about them.
Encourage students to get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy dinner and arrive to the testing site early. This allows them to choose their seat and organize materials like pencils, pens, calculators, etc. It also helps to minimize stress by allowing them to get settled and calm down before the test starts. Finally, remind them to put their ID and admission ticket in a bag, and don't forget the water bottle and snack (if allowed). This allows students to focus on the test when it begins.
Tests and quizzes can be a source of anxiety for students and teachers alike. The right prep materials and study skills can help everyone take these high-stakes tests with more confidence.
There are many options for studying for standardized tests, including online courses and tutors. Some options are better suited for self-studiers who can work through lessons independently, while others are more structured and require you to attend sessions with a teacher or coach.
Some options include ePrep, a provider of ACT and SAT course with a methodology that follows the principle of “test, practice, review, repeat.” PrepScholar is another option that offers standardized test tutoring with courses that offer personalized curriculum and video content.
Finally, the Learning Center also has many resources for students preparing for a MTEL exam. These include free practice questions and full-length sample tests that mimic the structure of operational MTEL exams. In addition, they also offer tutorials to help you navigate the computer-based testing experience.