16 total
"very good company"
I asked my friends about this company and they were all satisfied. I am really thankful for your good company
"To find out if the broker mit ic is licensed"
To find out if the broker mit ic is licensed, simply visit the website and you will find all the information you need and make sure you are indeed licensed. Trader's reviews confirm that the company offers transparent pricing plans and provides all the necessary documents. To find out more about user rights, privacy policy, anti-fraud measures and leveraged trading conditions, study the documents, not just flip through the pages. I recommend you to read each document professionally (not only in relation to forex, but in general, to make a habit of studying documents that concern you) to better understand the terms of the agreement. I did not have any problems with mit ic broker, because I read it before starting to cooperate and choosing this broker. I have been working with this company for a year now, I am very satisfied and I recommend it as an option for regular earnings. I would also like to mention that mit ic's trading authorisations are top notch. Many reviews concern the correct work of the technical service of the company and the fact that the broker's minimum deposit is small. The support team is available 24 hours a day, any day of the week.
"Mit iC może pochwalić się niskimi prowizjami handlowymi"
Mit iC może pochwalić się niskimi prowizjami handlowymi i przejrzystą strukturą prowizji. Świetne są też możliwości szkoleniowe, a jedyną wadą może być zakres produktów ograniczony do forexu. Potem zacząłem szukać wygodnych instrumentów oraz dobrego i rzetelnego brokera i w tej chwili uznałem, że wygodnie będzie mi pracować z akcjami za pośrednictwem mit ic (tutaj rachunek maklerski jest zwykły) i za jego pośrednictwem pracuję również z obligacjami. Ale żeby pieniądze pracowały, a nie tylko leżały, trzeba zrozumieć, w co inwestować. Zacząłem szukać informacji w internecie i trafiłem na stronę brokera forex mit ic. Jest tam cała seria szkoleń, która opowiada o giełdzie i ogólnie o wiedzy finansowej. Ja również otrzymałem wiedzę na temat giełdy. Przygotowuję też dla siebie długoterminowe, średnioterminowe i krótkoterminowe plany inwestycyjne. Tak, aby to wszystko prowadziło do określonego celu.
"The registration procedure at forex broker mit ic is standard"
The registration procedure at forex broker mit ic is standard, all you need to start with is an email, phone number and first and last names. However, you will not be able to make a deposit or withdraw money without additional verification with identification documents. Those who have not encountered any delays at this stage may leave it for later, but an experienced trader will do the full verification at once. Otherwise, you'll waste more time and especially more nerves when you need something urgently, so think about it at the beginning of your journey with mit ic broker. Withdrawing or depositing can easily get stuck at this stage - for example, the company may ask you to upload another document or something like that, you will end up having to spend time on these procedures and correspondence with support, which is always in short supply. By the way, the broker mit ic performs financial transactions within two days of the request for deposit or withdrawal. Judge for yourself, is it worth the risk of delaying the process of the first transaction even further because of the difficulties with verification that may arise.
"The fact is that mit ic is not limited to online forex trading"
The fact is that mit ic is not limited to online forex trading but offers different types of assets. This, perhaps, is also a plus - trying trading on other exchanges and markets can at least be interesting. Admittedly, this feature is not available for all mit ic account types. Nevertheless, the function is useful, including in terms of risk diversification. It is no wonder that more and more forex platforms offer such a variety. The website also provides a link to the broker's mobile forex trading app. Of course, this is all very subjective, but when it comes to full-fledged trading using fundamental and technical analysis tools, it is still difficult for mobile applications to compete with the desktop. You will have to create a trading journal for yourself. When you start a manual trading log, you can understand the nature of your forex trading efforts; through independent tracking, you can track your margin usage, profit and loss per trade, buying power and more.
"There really aren't many places to find so many services"
There really aren't many places to find so many services! The number of instruments is really astounding. In fact, the broker buys right on the website, eyes darting around, you want to try everything. As for trading, everything is quite comfortable. I didn't observe any systematic failures in deals. And the most important thing is the money! I was very attracted by the broker's platforms. I know that many work, but the conditions of mit ic plus the platform - the best. Firstly the metatrader is quite easy to operate. Everything is understandable practically from the first time (practically, because for beginners in principle everything is not understandable). Secondly, the broker allows you to download the platform on your phone (and with it I can almost always and everywhere, I can enter and trade while driving home). Works perfect on apple phone! There is always a possibility to control the market. As for the broker itself - no complaints here and there can hardly be any. There is a good customer support, I don't mean complaint handling, but in terms of trading.
"Once I put in a withdrawal request"
Once I put in a withdrawal request, the money was debited from my account, but it didn't come to my wallet. Of course I was nervous, the amount was already decent, but it turned out to be a technical problem, not with the broker. They helped me to solve it and it all came. Otherwise everything is ok, it is interesting and fascinating. There are no complaints about the work of the platform either. No reason to look for another broker, I would rather deal with a proven one than to be fooled by supposedly good brokers' terms and conditions. For four years I certainly had some slippages, but the peculiarity of trading at all brokers is as follows: somewhere more and somewhere less, but it is there. I have never seen slippages, but in general I have never encountered any kind of slippage, and this is the specifics of trading with all brokers. Of course, I understood that people who can make money, but as I was a beginner, I did not have much faith in my account. I always had a lot of ups and downs as a trader, but mit ic broker deserved my respect and respect as he always helped me to understand what was going on (trust, but verify).
"My opinion is the broker should be stable and reliable"
My opinion is the broker should be stable and reliable. And it should be easy and pleasant to work with him. MIT-ic seems to me to be such a broker. Technical support is staffed by polite and competent people. They help to sort out any issues. The company provides a wide range of tools. I have no comments on the operation of the terminal, transactions are concluded quickly. In a word, I like working with MIT-ic, I hope this will continue to be the case.
"Współpracę z brokerem mit ic rozpocząłem około 4 miesiące temu"
Współpracę z brokerem mit ic rozpocząłem około 4 miesiące temu. Przeczytałem opinie, zajrzałem na stronę i postanowiłem otworzyć konto, ale na razie na demo. Nieco później przeszedłem na konto realne. Zaczęłam od małych ilości. Po kilku udanych transakcjach postanowiłem sprawdzić wypłatę. Suma nie była duża, a wszystko poszło sprawnie. Dostałem pieniądze na czas. Ich platforma działała sprawnie, a wykonanie było dobre. Handel z mit ic jest więc dość wygodny.
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91.08 Trustworthy. Positive. Valid.The rank is based on a 1-100 scale, with 100 being the most reputable.
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