About Misentinel.com
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Misentinel is a cloud-based workforce management software (WFM) that manages Scheduling, Patrol Tracking, Reporting and Lone Worker Safety. Our unified solution helps the agencies to manage their security workforce in a simple and intuitive way which decreases human error & saves time of both the staff & customers.
We are a proud member of BASDA because they champion all the issues that we believe in such as Brexit, Cyber Security, Faster Payments and Making Tax Digital. BASDA provides us with valuable support whether it is in terms of boosting our credibility or networking opportunities.
BASDA is also a great platform for sharing our ideas & views on various topics and this helps in expanding the business. BASDA has a good network of industry leaders that we can approach for advice and this helps the business to grow. We look forward to hearing from you. If you face any problem please let us know.