About Millieparrothomes.com
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Millie Parrot homes is not a legitimate company and is owned by a father & son. They are scam artists and rip off innocent home buyers.
Mildred Priscilla Bergh was born on November 23, 1935 in rural Volga, SD to John and Susie Bergh. She married Jim Dick on October 2, 1960 at First Lutheran in Volga.
The real estate market can be daunting, especially if you’re a first time buyer. Our team of professionals are here to guide you through every step of the process. From negotiating contracts to securing your mortgage, we’ve got you covered. Check out the listings on our site or give us a call to get started. We’re sure you’ll find the home of your dreams.
A home inspection is a thorough visual assessment of a property. It typically occurs before the purchase of a home or to avoid unexpected hiccups during the sales process.
This can help you determine the true market value of a home. You can also find out if there are any major or minor issues that could affect your investment. Oftentimes, these issues can be fixed quickly and for an affordable price by the buyer.
To get your loan approval you will need to meet with your loan officer for guidance on what documents are most important to achieving a successful outcome. Once we have all the data we need, your file will go into processing and enter underwriting. During this process we may request additional documents from you, such as inspections and appraisals. We also have a computer system that will provide you with deadlines for various processing steps.
Before you sign the final papers to purchase a home, you will need to get a title transfer. This process is a legal requirement and involves many documents such as property tax bills, bank confirmation and insurance. It’s a crucial step in your home buying journey. Contact millieparrothomes to learn more about how we can help you. Thank you!
2019. Powered by Property Transfer Services.
Once you've found a home and negotiated your purchase contract with the seller, it's time to start the mortgage process. You can apply through our mortgage website or in person with one of our loan professionals.
All your income and asset documentation will need to be in place for your application to proceed through underwriting. When it's all complete, your loan officer will forward your file for final approval.
The home loan process is smooth and easy. Once you apply, our Client Coordinator will review your application, income, asset and property information and provide a loan proposal. They will also work with a local appraiser and title search agent to ensure a smooth closing. They will also send you a loan approval with a few more documents (loan conditions) to fill out prior to closing.