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Medfreeresources.com is an online database with a range of free resources for consumers and healthcare professionals. It provides breaking medical news, expert perspectives, drug and disease information, relevant professional education and CME/CE activities.
The website contains information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on more than 600 diseases and conditions. It also has lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical dictionary and encyclopedia, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, and links to thousands of clinical trials.
MedlinePlus is a free service that includes health information from the National Library of Medicine. It can be used by patients and their families to help them stay healthy, find answers to medical questions, and understand treatment options.
The site has information about over 1000 diseases, illnesses, health conditions and wellness topics. It also provides descriptions of medical tests that healthcare providers use to screen for, diagnose, and guide treatment.
The site also has drug information and links to MEDLINE/PubMed, which is an online, searchable database of journal articles. You can search these databases by topic or by a specific drug name. You can also use topic-specific searches created by medical librarians, which help you find references to recent scholarly articles on the subject of your interest.
Gale OneFile is a one-stop shop for all your research needs. It covers a wide range of subject areas, including news, science, literature, and more.
This database has more than 2,500 embargo-free full-text articles, plus reference books and pamphlets. It also includes hundreds of videos demonstrating surgeries and other medical procedures.
Gale OneFile is a great resource for students and teachers alike. It features a variety of high-quality, relevant content that helps you get more out of your studies and make the most of your time. It's also a great source of information to help you write that all-important research paper. It even has an impressive source citation system to ensure you're using the right sources for your project. Check it out and see what you think!
MD Consult is a one-stop resource that offers clinicians the means to quickly answer clinical questions and keep current with medical literature. It includes full-text access to forty medical textbooks, simultaneous searching of citation databases including MEDLINE, full-text access to more than sixty medical journals and clinics, information on over 30,000 medications, clinical practice guidelines, over 3,500 patient-education handouts, and clinical updates.
Its main page features a simple search box that yields results in all sections of the site, along with a series of content tabs. Users can navigate the MD Consult website from their desktops, laptops, or mobile devices. A new feature called MDC Mobile allows users to download news, drug updates, and journal abstracts and initiate searches from their personal digital assistants (PDAs).
RateMDs is one of the most popular doctor review platforms in the world with millions of monthly visitors. It gives patients the power to question a physician’s competence regardless of their own medical training and experience.
The website allows patients to leave comments and rate their doctors on their staff, punctuality, helpfulness and knowledge from 1-5 stars, with five being the best. Over time, these ratings will compose a doctor’s overall quality rating.
While RateMDs is a great tool for finding the right doctor, it can also be an unavoidable source of negative reviews. Negative reviews can make a medical practice seem less trustworthy to potential patients, and may lead to malpractice investigations or fines.
Having positive reviews from satisfied patients and their families is one of the best ways to boost your Google search ranking. They also play an important role in influencing other online platforms like Yelp and FourSquare.
If a customer leaves a negative review, it’s important to respond as quickly as possible. This could involve apologizing and providing a way for them to correct any mistake they’ve made.
On the other hand, some businesses are flooded with fake negative reviews from competitors trying to tarnish their reputation. These reviews can be a serious headache to try to remove. However, there’s a little-known way to get Google to delete these reviews on their own. It’s a bit complicated, but it can work in some cases. You’ll have to be very persuasive to convince Google to delete the review.