About Japanmaster.myshopify.com
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Japan master is the official partner of the e-commerce platform Shopify in Japan. It offers a range of products including kitchen knives and other items for the home. These items are hand-crafted by master blacksmiths in the region and come with a lifetime warranty. We offer great service and a wide selection of products at very competitive prices. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you find the right product for your store. We have partnered with Ship&co to provide an easy-to-use shipping solution for online stores in Japan. We can connect your store and Japanese carrier account and print shipping labels in just one click.
Getting your product shipped to customers in Japan can be challenging for online sellers. It can take time and effort to print shipping labels, process orders, and notify buyers of the shipment. We understand the challenges, which is why we have made it easy for you to ship to Japanese buyers with reliable domestic carriers such as Sagawa Express and Yamato Transport (Kuroneko). Simply plug in our shipping service to your Shopify store to get started! We will automatically print shipping labels, mark them as fulfilled and send tracking numbers to your customers. And don’t forget to add COD payment & Konbini payment options, which are popular methods of payment for Japanese buyers.