About Hkex.com.hk
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HKEx is a regulated stock exchange and clearing house in Hong Kong. It operates four clearing houses and provides comprehensive market data to investors. Its services are available to all customers in Hong Kong and around the world. Founded in 1997, the HKEx is a subsidiary of the New York Stock Exchange and operates the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
HKEx supports derivatives trading through its HKATS system. It uses a matching algorithm that ranks orders based on their best prices and the time of receipt. This system also provides quotes from Market Makers. Its website has a comprehensive list of products. HKEx also holds after-hours futures and options trading.
Companies can apply to list on the HKEx after completing certain requirements. Companies must have been in active trade for at least three years and must have a market capitalization of at least HK$500 million. They must also have a minimum of 25% public ownership. The company must have a profit forecast for the following year.
A survey has recently been conducted on HKEX's proposed changes to its listing rules. The proposed changes are designed to increase the profit requirement for companies listed on HKEX. The increased profit requirement would be HK$125 million for Option 1 and HK$150 million for Option 2. The survey results showed that eight out of ten respondents opposed this proposal. Their main concerns were related to GEM, timing and competition
"Attention!!! Stay far away from HKEX trading."
Attention!!! Stay far away from HKEX trading. They are only interested in taking from you and will disappoint you later when you need your money. Thank the stars, I was able to get my money back from them with the help of a recovery agency called aramezglobal.com