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The Rank of the website you are interested in is:
19.8 Questionable. Controversial. Flagged.The rank is based on a 1-100 scale, with 100 being the most reputable.
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"Poor Poor company. Stay away take your money no results"
I have used this company in the past. They did a terrible job of marketing my website. Says you have to have patience for it to work. I worked with them for over 9 months and they kept coming up with excuses why my rating were not going up? But kept charging me more money? Finally I had enough and stopped. This was over 2 years ago. They keep going on my website and going thru my contact portal and send my proposals to have them work for me again. I have asked at least a dozen times for them to stop contacting me and to quit harassing me. The worst one is Richard M. He harasses my the most even with 4 letter words that I will not put on here. I have request to talk to his boss but to no avail. But one on the new people reach out with their info so I am now righting this review and hopefully the bosses will see this and have them stop harassing me. I would avoid this company at all costs.
Date of experience: June 05, 2023