About Gimage.es
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Gimage is a company that specializes in digital signage and cartography. They help their clients develop their products and facilitate communication in all aspects. The company offers a full range of services and solutions. This includes developing customized software and creating digital content for their clients. You can find out more about what gimage does at gimage.es.
Gimage specializes in creating integrated media management systems. The company provides hardware solutions, software, and customer service. The solutions are tailored to the needs of pharmacies, complementing their existing communications and marketing strategies. These solutions also help manage e-commerce and provide customer service. In addition, gimage offers services for web development and marketing. Check out the full profile of Gimage.es to see what it has to offer.
Gimage is a communications company that offers different signage and marketing solutions. Their digital signage application allows users to visualize public content. The company also offers MapaProptech, a real estate technology study. Gimage offers a wide range of digital signage solutions for your business. They offer an excellent working environment, all statutory benefits, and competitive salaries. They are also very responsive to customer needs and will accommodate them quickly and efficiently.
"Pantallas Led para Farmacias"
Han instalado varias pantallas led publicitarias en nuestra farmacia. Algunas en el interior y otras en el exterior. También hemos puesto un sistema de gestión de turnos. Estamos muy agradecidos y satisfechos.