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Tokens are devices that provide an additional layer of security to online services. When used in combination with password authentication, tokens discourage unauthorized access by requiring a user to present a unique code before being granted network access.
Hardware tokens, in general, come in a variety of form factors. Some are simple USB dongles, but others incorporate LCD displays, biometric readers, keypads for PIN input, and other features to enhance their security.
During programming, functions like a token's cryptographic key, password length, whether a PIN is required, and how it generates passwords are written into the token's memory. This information is then imported into the authentication server so that it can be accessed in future authentications.
Tokens are typically programmed onsite with token programming software or offsite when they are ordered from their vendor. During this process, the token's cryptographic key, password length, and whether it generates passwords based on internal clock timing or user PIN input are written into its memory.
Whenever you perform a transaction on an online application, you are required to provide your credentials. The system then sends you an OTP (one time password) to your mobile device through a text message or email.
However, you should be aware that these OTPs may contain information that could be used to breach your application. For example, a password recovery token sent to your registered email address might include private data that could be exploited by hackers.
To prevent this, you should always validate incoming JWTs from your server before allowing them to be used in your application. This will help you to ensure that you are storing your users’ private data in a secure manner. Moreover, it will protect your application from attackers who may attempt to break into your network by guessing the values of incoming JWTs. Moreover, you should also enforce a maximum lifetime for tokens. This will ensure that you are not wasting resources by generating and sending out too many OTPs.
When it comes to authentication, JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are usually the go-to choice for most developers. For a reason, they offer a combination of security and usability. When using one, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. Some of the more interesting ones include: showcasing your wares with the latest encryption technology; implementing user identification and authentication measures such as password rotators; using tokens in an appropriate fashion, especially when it comes to preventing abuse; and last but not least, educating your users on how you plan to use their personal information. This is particularly important when it comes to mobile apps and Web apps that may have users accessing your system from the field or at home.