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In order to create a business membership, you need a company e-mail account. You can create a business registration with the confirmation code sent to your company e-mail account.
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Amazon has a lot of free books to choose from. These can be a great way to start a new book reading habit or to discover some new authors.
The first thing you need to do is sign up for an Amazon account. This will ensure that all the books you download from Amazon are automatically saved to your Kindle library.
You can also sign up for a BookBub newsletter to stay on top of the latest free titles that are available. It's free to join, and you can select your preferred genres so that you'll get notified of the latest free books available.
Another great source for free e-books is Project Gutenberg, an online library that features titles that are no longer protected by copyright laws. These are mainly English works in the public domain, and they're all free to download and read.
Goodreads is an online community for book lovers, where members can share reviews, recommendations and keep a digital TBR list. It also offers a number of free ebooks for download.
Using Goodreads is a great way to attract readers and promote your book. It can generate multiple book reviews, create buzz for a new release, and draw in a large audience of interested people who may not otherwise be familiar with your work.
The best way to get your book in front of readers is by running a Goodreads giveaway. This is an inexpensive, effective strategy for gaining word-of-mouth awareness and generating a lot of attention for your book.
There are 2 ways to run a Goodreads giveaway: a Kindle giveaway or a print book giveaway. The Kindle option is ideal for self-published authors, as it gives your readers the chance to win a physical copy of your book that they can take with them on the go. However, it does not allow you to personalize the giveaway with swag or handwritten notes like a print book giveaway.