About Fctraining.org
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FC training participants and staff are encouraged to participate in Quality Review & Standardization meetings held thrice a year. These meetings help ensure that courses are effective and consistent.
The people cited are proponents of the minority view that FC is a valid form of communication. They are therefore citable as primary sources for that viewpoint.
FC Training offers a variety of courses and certification programs. These courses are designed to help individuals improve their skills and advance their career. These courses are offered both online and in-person. FC Training also takes measures to ensure that all individuals are able to access these courses regardless of their location or background.
This class will provide participants with a basic understanding of Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI). The course will cover identifying risk behavior and techniques for verbal de-escalation and prevention.
This training is designed for owners/operators of residential facilities who have family members that have serious mental illness. Understanding how their behavior impacts the whole family dynamic and how to best deal with this is essential for a successful operation of a Residential Facility Class 2. This is a full day course and attendees can attend from their home or office. All attending will receive a certificate of attendance.
Quality assurance is a process that ensures a product meets its requirements. It is distinct from quality control (QC), which is a narrower process that focuses on identifying mistakes or missing components in a finished product. QA involves planning, doing, monitoring, and checking to determine whether the methods used are meeting predetermined objectives.
Different companies have different quality programs and methodologies. Some use manual sampling where QA picks logs at random and evaluates them against company standards. Others use statistical analysis to detect defects in processes. Many businesses use a combination of these approaches. In addition to evaluating processes, some also rely on customer feedback and return rates. In addition, QA teams can help to identify opportunities for coaching and organizational change. For example, a QA team might find that calling agents are not setting customer expectations well, and this may trigger coaching on expectation-setting for all call center staff members. This type of insight is not possible if the QA function is isolated from the rest of the organization.