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All kittens from this cattery are purebred, and are sold as pet companions only. Kittens that are available for showing/breeding are listed on the Available Breeder/Show page. Cats/kittens that are made available for breeding and/or showing should have a written guarantee stating what will be done in the event the animal becomes sterile or develops a genetic defect (for example, monorchidism) that prevents it from being bred or shown. Each kitten is marked with a different colored dot so they can be easily identified by their breeder. This guarantees that each kitten gets the loving and socialization it deserves from birth through adulthood.
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Chester is the son of GC Purfurvid Pistol, DM and CH Corsica Parfait of Purfurvid. He is a nice solid boy with a silly personality. He is a little heavy boned and has great body type. He is a very sweet guy with a great show potential! Click thumbnails for additional pictures..
GC NW Toxicate Sundae Bonnet was CFA's 3rd Best Kitten for the 2013-14 Show Season!! Bonnet is the daughter of GC Psymis Wuv Bug of Purfurvid and GC Candirand Devilish Dreams of Toxicate. Congratulations to her owner Tracey Dalton!
GP Purfurvid Tommy Gun of Toxicate became a One Show Grand Premier at the Los Colores Cat Club Show on September 7, 2013!! Thank you Stephani Czap for showing and loving him so much, and to all the judges that love him!!!
I am extremely proud to announce that GC Purfurvid Twinkie Launcher was awarded her DM at the Victor Valley Cat Club show in Palm Springs, California on Feb 9, 2019!!! This makes Twinkie's father GC Purfurvid Pistol, DM and his mother GC Perfikatz Sweetstuff of Purfurvid, DM, two more offspring to earn their DMs!! A HUGE thank you to Shelby Friemoth and Tracey Dalton for making this happen!!