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As puppies grow, their characteristics and personalities emerge. They start to play, interact with their litter mates, and learn about the world outside the nest. They begin to sample food from Mom's bowl and develop their baby teeth, which generally come in by about five or six weeks.
Puppies also go through a fear period at about this time, meaning they tend to react to new people and things with caution. This is normal and can be countered with careful socialization.
Puppies at this age have a great deal of physical development to complete, including the growth of their adult teeth. They also gain coordination and strength, and can stand by day 15 or take their first wobbly steps by day 21. This is a critical stage in puppy development, and it helps them become well-adjusted and confident dogs. They learn bite inhibition, how to communicate with their mother and siblings, and their place in canine society.