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If you're in the market for a used car in Washington, DC, check out the extensive inventory at dccars.com. We offer a wide range of used cars, trucks and SUVs from some of the most trusted brands around. We also host a number of live online auto auctions that allow you to purchase a car from the comfort of your own home. We have everything from luxury European cars to small compacts available at our auctions. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our current inventory or to schedule a viewing appointment.
All content featured on this retailer store page has been provided by the retailer. It is for informational purposes only and is subject to change.
DC Design is an automotive firm founded by Dilip Chhabria in 1993. After completing his degree in Transportation Design from Art Centre, California, Dilip worked at General Motors Design Center in Detroit for a year. The firm has designed vanity vans for Sanjay Dutt and Shah Rukh Khan as well as the car used in the movie Tarzan. In 1995 they got their first international prototyping project and in 1998, they developed the first generation add-on body styling kits for various cars.