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Choosing a school is a major decision for anyone who wants to send their children to a good school. That's why it's important to know as much information as you can about the schools you're considering. A great way to do this is to visit coffeevilleschools.org and read about the school's graduation rate, test scores, and other statistics. This will help you make the best decision possible.
Among the plethora of schools in Coffeeville, TN, the school that has been around the longest has one of the highest graduation rates in the state. The school is a traditional two-story facility with a modest budget that pays for itself with a student population of just over 800 students. Despite the modest budget, the school still manages to spend a whopping $8,890 per pupil. The school's frugality is matched by its caliber of teachers and administrators, and it's not hard to see why.
The school also happens to be the site of a community college, meaning that its students have access to a plethora of post-secondary offerings in a short distance. In addition, the school has a slew of clubs and sports teams, and the football and soccer programs boast stellar teams. Aside from the sporty aspects of the school, the school has an exemplary attendance rate, and an incredibly well maintained campus.
Several Coffeeville Schools testing rankings have remained relatively flat over the last five years. However, one of the district's elementary schools has been ranked within the bottom 50% of all public schools in the state. Moreover, the number of students attending the school has declined by 24 percent over the past five years.
According to the Mississippi Department of Education, the Coffeeville School District has dropped from C to D status. The district has a highly motivated staff and provides an educational environment for students. It also prepares them for post-secondary education and the competitive workforce. Its student to teacher ratio is 11:1, which is lower than the state's average of 14:1.
At Coffeeville High School, there are 17 teachers and 185 students. The average proficiency test score for the school is 37.0%, which is 9% lower than the state's average. There are two students who have received advanced placement. Successful AP students can receive exemptions from certain classes, which will allow them to get a college level course. The school also has an overall student to teacher ratio of 11:1.
The school district's policy manual and crisis management plan are available upon request. The Board of Trustees has also developed a technology plan. The surveillance report is also located at the Central Office. The school is a member of the MHSAA.
Amongst Coffeeville Schools test scores, the Coffeeville Elementary School was ranked in the bottom half of all 816 Mississippi schools for overall and reading proficiency test scores for the 2018-19 school year. The school has seen a decrease of 24% in student population over the past five years. However, the teacher population has remained relatively flat. The school spends $6,251.0 million on instruction, support services, and other expenses.
The school is categorized as a low-income school and has test scores that fall below the state average for all students. Its annual expenditure is $13,276 per student, which is less than the Mississippi state average of $14,000. In addition, the student to teacher ratio is lower than the state average. The student population is 80% black, 16.7% white, and 1.0% Asian. This may indicate that the school is under-supporting some student groups.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average test score for all schools in the state of Mississippi was 57% for the 2015-16 school year. This is better than the 20.2% of schools in Mississippi that scored above the average and better than the 10.7% of schools that scored below the average.
During the fiscal year 2019, Coffeeville Schools employment opportunities have not been filed for foreign workers. However, they must meet the requirements for positions within the geographic area. If you are interested in working for the Coffeeville Schools, you should contact the Human Resources department to determine the work visa policy for the district.
The Coffeeville School District has two public schools, serving 460 students. The district's graduation rate has been improving steadily over the past five years. The district's reading proficiency rate is 25%, and the math proficiency rate is 32%. In addition, the district's spending per student has increased 13% over four years. The district's testing ranking is average, with a rank of 3/10. The district's graduation rate has been increasing from 70-79% to 80-89% in just five years. This is an impressive accomplishment, considering that the district has a minority enrollment of 83%. The district has also grown 13% over four years, while increasing the revenue per student by over $13,000.