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If you are a truck driver, there are some important things you should know about your CDL and CSA score. You need to know about these things so you can continue driving safely and effectively. You also need to know how you can protect your professional reputation, so that you can be more successful in your career.
The Trucking Compliance Experts at CDL 360 can help you keep your a$$ out of jail with their comprehensive suite of services. From fully outsourced compliance programs to truck driver training courses, there's no reason to stay complacent. A DOT certified safety director and fleet management tools are also on hand to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.
The Trucking Compliance Experts at CDL360 also boasts a top-notch customer service team, as well as an impressive safety record. With nine years of experience, the company is more than equipped to take on the big dogs in the trucking industry. The staff is on hand to assist you in any way they can, and can be reached by phone, email, or live chat. The aforementioned customer service team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Trucking Compliance Experts at CDL360 are here to help you navigate the regulatory minefield. With an acclaimed reputation, a stellar customer service team, and state-of-the-art technology, you can rest assured that your company's compliance needs will be met on time and on budget.
A CSA Score is a rating provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It measures the safety of a trucking company and a driver. It can affect insurance premiums, and is an important factor in determining a company's reputation. A low CSA score can result in a trucking company being put into Out-of-Service Order (OOSO) status.
A CSA score is updated monthly. It reflects the safety of a fleet and a driver, and is used to hold carriers and drivers accountable. There are different types of CSA scores, depending on the type of violation.
The CSA website allows you to review your scores. You'll need your DOT number and motor carrier's name to access your report. Some data is only visible to carriers, and some is only visible to law enforcement.
The CSA score weighs the severity of crashes and the preventability of them. A higher score means a higher risk of a crash. A lower score indicates a lower risk.