About Bitfonnix.com
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In order to create a business membership, you need a company e-mail account. You can create a business registration with the confirmation code sent to your company e-mail account.
Only approved company accounts can reply to comments, you can do this from the management panel with your company account. Users cannot reply to comments made on company comments.
There are numerous options available for the purchase of bitcoin. Some of these are regulated and some are not. You have to make sure that you are aware of your options. In addition, you may also need to learn more about payment options.
The Bitfonnix platform has a legality policy that ensures the use of its services in a manner that does not promote illegal activities. This means that the company reserves the right to stop operations related to money laundering, terrorism financing, and other such activities if the actions are not in compliance with AML standards. It is also required that all employees and management adhere to AML regulations.
In addition, the firm has a strict policy regarding detection of suspicious activity. It monitors the history of client transactions and checks the identity of named transactions. If the company suspects that a transaction is fraudulent, it will notify law enforcement bodies. Moreover, it uses a complex electronic system for identification. However, it is not required to accept cash payments from its clients.