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The Autonomic Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system regulates the body's internal processes, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature. Disorders of this system can cause fainting, lightheadedness, and fluctuating blood pressure.

The nervous system contains neurons (nerve cells) that send and receive signals throughout the body. These nerves have axons that carry signals to the brain, spinal cord and other parts of the body.

These axons are wrapped in myelin, a substance that helps the axons to conduct electricity. Glial cells, the cells that coat neurons' axons with myelin, shield the nervous system from infections and maintain chemical balances in the nerves.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system work together to control involuntary responses. The sympathetic nervous system increases the body's activity when it senses danger, while the parasympathetic nervous system slows down a person's body activity.

Respiratory System

A vital part of the human body, the Respiratory System is a complex network of organs and tissues that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. These are essential for cellular respiration (a process that gives life to all cells).

Inside the lungs, the exchange of air occurs through hundreds of millions of microscopic sacs called alveoli. Oxygen from inhaled air enters these sacs, binds to hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells, and is pumped through the bloodstream to all parts of the body.

The bloodstream also absorbs oxygen from the lungs and carries it around the body, as well as removes waste carbon dioxide through internal respiration. In this respiratory process, oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in pulmonary capillaries that surround alveoli and bind to hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells.

The respiratory system also has built-in methods to keep harmful things out of the lungs, including hairs in the nose that help filter large particles from air, and tiny hair-like structures along the air passages known as cilia, which beat more than 1,000 times a minute. But if these cilia don’t work, particles and pathogens may be trapped in the lungs and cause bronchitis, coughing, and other health problems.

Cardiovascular System

The Cardiovascular System (CVS) is an organ system that conveys blood through vessels to and from all parts of the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. It is a complex network of muscles, arteries and capillaries.

A cardiovascular disease is a condition that affects the heart, blood vessels and/or lungs. It is the leading cause of death in many countries, and it is also one of the most costly diseases to treat.

The human cardiovascular system is a closed tubular system in which the heart is a muscular pump that propels blood into and out of blood vessels. The arteries are a tree like structure that branch into large arteries and smaller ones, leading to the capillaries which are small tubes of microscopic cells that transport vital oxygen and other molecules to tissues and organs.

Central Nervous System

The Central Nervous System, also known as the brain and spinal cord, controls thoughts, movement, feelings and other activities that occur without your conscious control. It combines information from your whole body to coordinate a range of body functions, such as breathing, heart rate, hormone levels and body temperature.

The CNS is made up of billions of cells called neurons, which communicate with each other via nerves throughout the body. These signals send messages to different types of neurons, including motor and sensory neurons.

Neurons can be found in the brain, spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which connects to the rest of the body through nerves that run from the eyes, ears, skin, tendons, and joints.

Most of the neurons in the CNS are coated with myelin – a white, fatty insulating substance that makes it easy for nerve signals to travel quickly and efficiently. In the spinal cord, axons – long cords of nerve cells – are myelinated by two types of cells: Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes.

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