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When you are looking for an easy way to store historical data, it is hard to find something better than assetssignals.com. The site allows you to store up to five years of files, and a single user can sign up and manage all of these files. Moreover, it is free to use. It is also easy to navigate, and its user interface is friendly. This means that you can get started in no time.
There are a variety of reasons why people are interested in trading signals. Trading signals are just like your professional best friend, and they give you accurate advice. However, you cannot rely on them for profits. They can only provide you with advice that is useful. The team at AssetsSignals(tm) works hard to offer the best signals for registered users.
Signals are unique pieces of data, which can be used for reports, dashboards, condition states, and more. For example, if you are using a sensor to monitor temperature, you can store that value as a signal. You can also use a signal to store the history of the value. If you want to use it for reports, you can archive it. And, for more complex situations, you can store it in multiple units.
To create a new signal, go to Asset Configuration. Under Asset Types, select the type of signal you would like to create. Each signal inherits the unit and type of the source. In the case of a signal containing multiple units, you can choose which unit to use. Typically, you will see an asterisk next to each unit. You can then specify the number of decimal points in the visualization dashboard panels.