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Bunny Live is an app that lets you enjoy a variety of idols’ Livestream videos on your device. It also includes an honor chart that lists outstanding idols with the most gifts or views in a day, month, or year.
The app is free to download and will satisfy your entertainment needs. However, it is recommended to purchase the Premium version of the app to get the best features.
Those with political connections have an advantage on the show. For example, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway’s daughter auditioned for the show in 2021, and Ayla Brown finished in the top 16 of season five. And if you’re a celebrity athlete, your kids can also make it big on “Idol.” Former St. Louis Cardinals player Ozzie Smith’s daughter, Claudia, competed in season four.
In order to become an idol on Bunny Live, you must fill out a registration form with real information about yourself. This helps to ensure that only legitimate users can Livestream on the platform. Once you’ve done this, you can start live-streaming and attracting supporters. You’ll also be able to see your ranking on the leaderboards. These rankings are updated every day.
Featured supporters get a number of perks including free gift packs and special symbols on their profile. They also earn bonus points that can be used to give gifts to idols in Bunny Live. Those who earn enough bonus points will be featured on the homepage of their idol’s fan page and will have the chance to be seen by their fans during livestreaming sessions.
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Featured supporters will be highlighted in their idol’s live streams. They will also receive a variety of bonus points when they give gifts to their idols. They can use these bonus points to buy items in Bunny Live, which they can show to their idols.
Prominent supporters’ names will be covered with special symbols, which idols can see even from a distance when they are live-streaming. Their names will also appear on the left side of their profile page.