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If your wiper blades are starting to show signs of wear and tear it's time to replace them. Luckily, replacing them is a simple task that can be done at home.
Wipers typically use a combination of CreateFile and WriteFile APIs to overwrite files. This basic technique is seen in wipers such as CaddyWiper, DoubleZero, DriveSlayer, IsaacWiper and KillDisk.
With a frameless design, this silicone wiper blade eliminates streaking and snow buildup on the windshield. It is also UV and heat resistant, making it durable and able to handle tough conditions. Plus, it’s easy to install. The pre-installed connector fits on the bayonet arm with a positive click, and no special break-in is required.
As the threat landscape continues to evolve, wipers are becoming more sophisticated in how they sabotage targets and the systems that defend them. Over the years, CrowdStrike’s Endpoint Protection Content Research Team has observed many different adversary strategies employed by wipers to achieve their objectives. This blog post will discuss one method that these malware samples use to destroy files and disk clusters. The technique is simple and efficient and is utilized by several wiper families including CaddyWiper, DoubleZero, IsraBye, IsaacWiper, DriveSlayer, KillDisk, Meteor (including Stardust and Comet variants), Petya wiper and WhisperGate. The basic process involves iterating through a set of target files, grabbing a handle via GetFileSize and then overwriting the data with random bytes.
When it comes to installing a new set of wiper blades, simplicity is key. With a patented bayonet arm connector and simple, no-fuss design, the SilBlade Premium installs quickly and easily with no special break in period required. The blades are dual-cut and feature premium natural rubber with graphite and Teflon (the same stuff that makes fried eggs slide right out of the pan). No matter what car you drive, a new set of adwipers will provide the high performance, quieter strokes and superior clarity you deserve. And with adwipers’ hassle-free warranty, you can rest easy knowing your investment is well protected.