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"отличная компания!"
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Great products, great prices and fast delivery . As good as it gets
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Abby Weingarten is a writer, artist, dancer and photographer who lives in Clearwater, Florida. She earned an associate’s degree with honors from St. Petersburg College in Clearwater before attending New College of Florida, where she is expected to graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in humanities. She has written for numerous publications and has had her poetry and short stories published. She also enjoys performing in theater and dance.
She was born in Ohio and moved to Clearwater when she was 2 years old with her mother, Judy Becker, and her father, Sal Weingarten. She has an older brother, David. She has a passion for photography and is a self-taught artist, working mostly in black and white. She is a member of the Arts and Humanities Association, an organization that encourages women to pursue creative endeavors. She has also volunteered for the Disabilities Awareness Club at St. Petersburg College and modeled for figure drawing classes at the Ringling School of Art and Design.