You know how they send you all those credit card approval letters when you first get to college? It must have been prime time because it seemed like over the course of a couple years my credit went from non-existent to HORRIBLE. Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. I had to make a move fast because I was looking to get a new car and had my eyes set on the Tesla (and no way I could afford those interest rates with the credit score that I had). Insert Cool Credit, the easy-to-use credit repair company that actually improved my credit for me! Granted, I had to be patient, because credit repair is not an overnight job, but the longer I waited, the more time my credit had to improve! Every monthly payment that I made was improving my score, and they helped to dispute negative items I didn’t even know that I had. Cool Credit is the way, the truth, and the life.
"The really cool thing about Cool Credit!"
You know how they send you all those credit card approval letters when you first get to college? It must have been prime time because it seemed like over the course of a couple years my credit went from non-existent to HORRIBLE. Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. I had to make a move fast because I was looking to get a new car and had my eyes set on the Tesla (and no way I could afford those interest rates with the credit score that I had). Insert Cool Credit, the easy-to-use credit repair company that actually improved my credit for me! Granted, I had to be patient, because credit repair is not an overnight job, but the longer I waited, the more time my credit had to improve! Every monthly payment that I made was improving my score, and they helped to dispute negative items I didn’t even know that I had. Cool Credit is the way, the truth, and the life.